and Safety

Environmental preservation
and safety activities for all of us.

Since Samnam Petrochemical considers environmental safety and health
as its top management goal in business activities, we are doing our best
in environmental safety management throughout the entire process
from product production, sales, service, to disposal.

and Safety

Samnam Petrochemical is committed to enabling all humanity to enjoy a pleasant and safe life.

Samnam Petrochemical is committed to identifying all potential environmental, safety, and health hazards that may arise during business activities and continuously engaging in improvement and removal activities on a proactive basis. We are doing our utmost in managing the environment, safety, and health to enable all humanity, including our employees and local residents, to enjoy a pleasant and safe life.

Environmental Safety Declaration

Full Statement

We manage all of our business activities with a priority on the preservation of the national environment and human dignity while we reaffirm our right to enjoy a healthy life within a pleasant environment. In addition, our obligation to preserve the environment with all of our employees will take the lead in practicing environmental preservation and safety activities in their respective fields.

Management Guidelines
  • 1.

    Consider environmental preservation and industrial safety as fundamental elements in making business management decisions.

  • 2.

    Make active efforts to expand facilities and operate in order to manage safely by prioritizing environmental and safety considerations and establishing preventive environmental safety policies.

  • 3.

    Environmental and safety standards are established based on regulations and national laws and are voluntarily complied with and managed. The management target is set at 50% of the legal level, and standards are established and followed to maintain this target.

  • 4.

    Establish self-evaluation standards for securing environmental and safety standards and conduct regular verification by establishing a management system.

  • 5.

    Carry out concentrated research and improvement of the vulnerable working environment for a pleasant environment.

  • 6.

    Ultimately realize pollution-free workplaces through actively promoting thorough environmental management, and active promotion of the 5R actions "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Redesign, Reconditioning" in terms of environmental preservation, resource-saving and energy saving.

  • 7.

    During the review process, we consider environmental pollution and safety and then devise measures to reduce and control environmental pollutants at the design stage.

  • 8.

    When operating facilities, minimize the generation of environmental pollutants, secure the best prevention facilities, and operate them efficiently.

  • 9.

    Each employee becomes an environmental monitor him/herself and thoroughly implements the three accident-free practice campaigns.

and Safety

Samnam Petrochemical received certification for its international environmental standard ISO 14001 from Lloyd's Register in the UK in 1997. Following that, it established and operated a systematic environmental management system. In addition, Samnam Petrochemical is promoting its own technique of autonomous environmental management through a system, enabling all employees to take responsibility for environmental conservation and perform their duties, accordingly, thereby ensuring the continuity of an eco-friendly management system.

Reduction of pollutant emissions

Reduction of air and water pollutants

Making continuous efforts to prevent environmental pollution with the reduction of emissions of air and water pollutants through the expansion of clean fuel usage (LNG, wastewater biogas reuse) and intensive investment in prevention facilities (catalytic oxidation facilities (CTO)) and physical, biological, and chemical wastewater treatment.

Reduction of waste emission

We are practicing waste reduction actions by reducing waste generation through TA recovery facilities amongst spent liquid and installing and operating wastewater sludge dryers.

Environmental management activities

Samnam Petrochemical has systemized the standard of conducting environmental impact assessments before making any changes, additions, or introduction of new materials in the process to ensure compliance with the system. They have also established internal standards, set at 50-80% of legal limits, for the operation of environmental facilities, which are strictly managed. In addition, they strive to achieve a clean and complaint-free workplace by investing in the improvement of environmental facilities to address any issues that arise.

Community environmental activities

Samnam Petrochemical is engaged in 'Responsible Care' activities to gain the trust of local residents and to happily fulfil its corporate social responsibilities. It participates in campaigns such as the "One Company, One River" and "One Company, One Coastline" to improve the quality of the local environment and preserve the marine ecosystem. In addition, it actively participates and supports activities such as environmental committees, local environmental technology development centers, and environmental cooperation committees.

Safety Management Activities

Since 2001, Samnam Petrochemical has been certified with the KOSHA 18001 safety management system and has been introducing and operating KGS 18001 and OHSAS 18001 systems since 2004 in order to establish an additional systematic and advanced safety management system. Additionally, the company has established a voluntary safety management system, which allows related tasks to be naturally integrated into production activities and has systematized it to encourage managers to pay more attention to safety management.

Operation of the Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Center

In order to prevent various disasters in advance by integrating systems such as monitoring important sites, early detection of risks, emergency warnings, and weather observation, and to enable prompt and accurate response in case of an emergency, a comprehensive disaster prevention center system (2 locations) have been constructed and are being operated.

Hazardous and risk factors discovery and improvement activities

Samnam Petrochemical is operating a theme bank to discover potential risk factors, evaluate work safety factors, and activate computer-sharing services related to safety and health information. Also, we carry out safety management activities by conducting periodic self-inspection and process precision inspections conducted by external experts and reflecting them in improvement activities.

Safety awareness raising activities and life and death

Samnam Petrochemical publishes a monthly environmental safety bulletin to raise safety awareness and provides various environmental safety materials and designates and operates a 'Safety Inspection Day'. Additionally, the company operates regular industrial safety and health competitions and joint labour-management industrial safety, health, and environmental committees to provide a more comprehensive safety management system.

Health Management Activities

Samnam Petrochemical has introduced and operated a health promotion program for its executives and employees. On-site health management facilities are equipped with equipment to check basic health levels in hearing, eyesight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and hyperlipidemia at any time. In addition, general health checkups, comprehensive health checkups, and work environment measurements are conducted periodically, and health checkup results are kept in the system to analyze and manage changes in individual health to actively support employees' health management.

Samnam Petrochemical cultivates a sense of thoroughly complying with its routine work procedures and basics above all else in order to prevent environmental safety accidents. At the beginning of each year, for executives and employees, an annual education and training plan is established and implemented. This may consist of external environment safety collective education and fire drills. Regarding this, we check and evaluate whether the plan is implemented through periodic management diagnosis.

Emergency training

In order to develop the ability to systematically control and respond quickly in case of an emergency, regular environmental safety training and comprehensive fire drills are conducted for all executives and employees once a quarter. And every month, each team undergoes education and training with their own emergency action scenario, so that practical response capabilities are continuously developed and after such education and training, diagnosis and evaluation are carried out to ensure thorough follow-up management. In addition, we maintain a mutual support agreement system with fire departments, related organizations and neighboring companies, etc. and periodically conduct emergency rescue and marine pollution prevention drills and joint fire drills at least once a year.

Education and training for partner companies
and environmental safety management

For visitors visiting from partner companies and external construction companies, we provide training on basic safety rules and environmental safety regulations before entering. And for resident partner companies, periodic training is provided, and accident-free campaigns are induced and in order to encourage environmental safety management, we implement a reward system for excellent partners (once a quarter) and hold environmental safety manager meetings every month to provide continuous guidance and technical support for environmental safety.

Community environmental activities

We posted the environmental safety management policy and environmental safety declaration reflecting the will of all executives and employees so that all employees use it as environmental safety guidelines when performing their duties and through regular management briefings by the CEO and plant managers, the importance of environmental safety is being emphasized. In addition, through environmental safety and health practice resolution meeting (rewards for meritorious person, etc.), environmental safety bulletin issued (monthly), acquisition of cases of serious industrial accidents and E-MAIL publicity, periodic holding of industrial safety, health and environment committee, Labor-Management Joint Safety Inspection Day event (monthly), etc., we are encouraging all employees to increase their interest in environmental safety and health and to carry out responsible work.

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Posted on March 28, 2023

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