Carrying Out TPM activities,
for the best quality and customer satisfaction.

Samnam Petrochemical pursues enjoyable innovation activities through the participation of all employees to achieve improvement through accomplishments, growth through education, recognition through compensation, and the joy of sharing.

  • Improvement

    Improvement through Accomplishments
  • Education

    Growth through Education
  • Compensation

    Pleasure of Compassion
  • Share

    Joy of Sharing

Company Development


Employee Development

TPM Slogan

Let's make it happen!
Achieving our competitive
advantage target by 2025


Smart innovation in all sectors + Responsible and united employees + Enhancing competitiveness based on digital foundation

Innovation in all sectors
(Q, C, P, M, E, S)
  • Quality

  • Cost

  • Productivity

  • Mind

  • Environment

  • Safety

TPM Goal

With new ideas and a new mindset, let's achieve our goal
without fail through facility and process stabilization
that prioritizes environmental safety!

Strengthening Competitiveness

  • Secure

    'Cost Leadership'

  • Improvement of overall

    facility efficiency

  • Environmental



Samnam Petrochemical is promoting TPM activities with the participation of all employees to achieve customer, employee, and community satisfaction by producing and supplying products of the highest quality at the minimum cost in the optimal environment.

  • 01

    Pursue maximization
    of production efficiency
    by joining forces with everyone

  • 02

    Eliminating all waste
    to improve cost competitiveness.

  • 03

    Fostering employees
    who are strong in the unique technology
    of facilities and

  • 04

    Eliminate disasters
    and pollution

History Museum quick Inquiry

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Posted on March 28, 2023

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